Equal parts brilliant and controversial, scientist Moira O'Deorain is on the cutting edge of genetic engineering, searching for a way to rewrite the fundamental building blocks of life.
Oasis, Iraq
Apr 4 (Age: 50)
Biotic Grasp
Hold to heal all allies in front of you. Consumes biotic energy.
Long range beam weapon. Damage dealt heals you and replenishes your biotic energy.
Biotic Orb
Launch a bouncing sphere that either heals nearby allies or damages nearby enemies.
Disappear, move faster, and become invulnerable, but you cannot shoot.
Fire a beam that heals allies and damages enemies.
Keys displayed are defaults for PC. They are configurable in game.
Controversial geneticist Moira O’Deorain cared only about the evolutionary advancement of humanity. Though her work has earned her many enemies, her alliances with the scientific collective of Oasis and the ruthless organization Talon have freed her from moral and monetary constraints, allowing her to pursue her breakthroughs with great efficiency... and ruthlessness.
Equal parts brilliant and controversial, scientist Moira O'Deorain is on the cutting edge of genetic engineering, searching for a way to rewrite the fundamental building blocks of life.
Over a decade ago, O'Deorain made waves when she published a controversial paper detailing a methodology for creating custom genetic programs that could alter DNA at a cellular level. It seemed like a promising step toward overcoming diseases and disorders and maximizing human potential.
Dissent among her peers soon followed. Many considered her work to be dangerous because of its perceived ethical shortfalls, and O'Deorain was even accused of having the same unchecked desire for scientific advancement that some believed had caused the Omnic Crisis. In addition, other geneticists were unable to reproduce the results of O’Deorain’s research, which further called her discoveries into question. Instead of kickstarting her career, her paper seriously damaged her reputation.
She received a lifeline in an offer from an unlikely source: Overwatch's covert ops division, Blackwatch. She continued her work in the shadows while developing new weapons and technologies for the organization, including experiments conducted directly on Commander Gabriel Reyes. Her employment was a closely kept secret, until it was uncovered during inquiries following the Venice incident. Many high-ranking Overwatch officials disavowed all knowledge of her affiliation with them.
After Overwatch, O'Deorain was forced to turn to unconventional sources of funding. She continued her work as part of the shadowy Talon organization. Following the destruction of Overwatch’s Swiss Headquarters, O’Deorain injected a near-dead Reyes with a potent form of the substance she had first given him in Blackwatch, claiming it as a necessary procedure to preserve his life. The results further empowered Reyes’ unique talents, although they significantly destabilized his ability to control them.
Talon continued to aid in her experiments in exchange for utilizing the results for their own purposes. But O’Deorain worked with Talon in secret, she maintained appearances in the scientific community. She was invited to join the scientific collective that had founded the city of Oasis, becoming their Minister of Genetics.
Though her work is still unknown to most of the world, O'Deorain will go to any lengths for a scientific breakthrough.