"Sometimes you must work with those you don’t like to fight a common enemy."
The latest installment in our series of digital comic shorts has arrived: Searching!
Aleksandra Zaryanova is on a critical mission to eliminate Russia's greatest threat, an elusive hacker known as Sombra. The pursuit takes Zarya around the globe, but all her contacts share the same intel: they don't know anything. With her trail cold and her leads exhausted, she reluctantly agrees to the only option she has left—a partnership with an omnic. Butting heads all the way, the two reluctant allies hone in on their target, unaware of the secret they will soon uncover...
Written by Blizzard’s own Andrew Robinson and illustrated by Joelle Sellner and Kate Niemczyk, "Searching" is now available for download at comic.playoverwatch.com. You can also experience the action and sound of this story through the Madefire motion book on desktop, mobile, and Apple TV.
We hope you enjoy it—and stay tuned for more Overwatch comics coming soon!
Missed any of our previous comic shorts? Check them out here.