"You want to survive, you follow my rules. Got it?"
The latest installment in our series of digital comic shorts, Binary, takes place in rural Sweden shortly after the events of our holiday comic, Reflections, where a terror from the past has recently reemerged.
In "Binary," locals have spotted a Bastion unit roaming the woods, and they believe it's only a matter of time before the dangerous omnic tries to destroy them. As they assemble to discuss what to do, a mysterious stranger arrives… someone who has experience fighting Bastions and is eager to hunt them down.
Written by Blizzard's own Matt Burns and James Waugh and illustrated by Joe Ng and Espen Grundetjern, "Binary" is now available for download at comic.playoverwatch.com. You can also experience the action and sound of this story through the Madefire motion book on desktop, mobile, and Apple TV.
We hope you enjoy it—and stay tuned for more Overwatch comics coming soon!
Missed any of our previous comic shorts? Check them out here.