The fight for the future is expanding to several other Blizzard universes!
Deployment of our Overwatch: Origins Edition in-game goodies has begun. Digital bonuses for World of Warcraft, Diablo III, StarCraft II, Heroes of the Storm, and Hearthstone are now available to anyone who pre-purchases the digital version of Origins Edition for Windows PC through the Battle.net Shop.
What's included? See below!
Adorably cuddly and highly intellectual, the Baby Winston pet will be at your side as you fight to extinguish the Burning Legion. As with other World of Warcraft pets, Baby Winston will be automatically added to your characters' inventories and, once claimed, will be available on all World of Warcraft accounts on your Battle.net account.
Slay demonic forces throughout the High Heavens and Burning Hells wearing Mercy’s wings, and all of Sanctuary will know of your allegiance to Overwatch! Click here for details on how to claim this item on PC and Mac, or click here to learn how to claim it on console.
Brand-new portraits of Tracer, Reaper, Pharah, Winston, Bastion, and Soldier: 76 give new meaning to the phrase "Hero of the Koprulu Sector." These portraits will be automatically unlocked in your player profile.
The cavalry's here! Jump into the Nexus with Tracer and surprise your enemies in the blink of an eye. This hero will be automatically unlocked in your roster—click here to learn more about Tracer in Heroes of the Storm.
If you happen to find yourself in a Tavern Brawl, show your opponent you’ve got backup with an Overwatch-themed card back. Available since patch 4.2.0, this card back will be automatically added to your collection.
And don't forget: In addition to receiving these digital bonuses, when you pre-purchase or preorder any version of Overwatch, you'll also get the Noire Widowmaker skin at launch! Visit www.buyoverwatch.com for more details.
Q. Do I need to pre-purchase or preorder Overwatch to unlock these digital bonuses?
A. Nope! To be eligible for these in-game goodies starting May 24, you just need to purchase Overwatch: Origins Edition on any platform.
Q. I pre-purchased/preordered Origins Edition, but not through the Battle.net Shop. When will I receive my digital bonuses?
A. Players who pre-purchase or preorder a physical copy Origins Edition will receive their in-game goodies when they pick up their copy of the game starting on May 24.
- For PC, the game code included in the physical box will also unlock all digital bonuses when redeemed through Battle.net Account Management.
- For console, there will be an additional code included in the physical box that can be redeemed through Battle.net Account Management. This code will unlock all digital bonuses.
Q. What if I digitally pre-purchase Origins Edition from the PlayStation Store or Xbox Games Store?
A. Players who digitally pre-purchase Origins Edition from the PlayStation Store or Xbox Games Store will be eligible to receive their in-game goodies starting on May 24.
In order to claim the Origins Editions digital bonuses, though, players will need to first link their Battle.net account with their PlayStation Network account or their Xbox Live account. Once linked, a notification will appear upon launching Overwatch allowing players to unlock all bonuses on their designed Battle.net account.
Q. If I contact Customer Support and provide proof of purchase, will they be able to grant me the digital bonuses earlier?
A. No. Customer Support will not be providing digital bonus codes prior to the game's launch to players who preordered physical copies of Origins Edition or pre-purchased digital copies through the PlayStation or Xbox online stores.
Q. When I will receive my Origins Edition skins in Overwatch?
A. Players receive their Origins Editions skins starting May 24. These skins will be automatically unlocked in the Hero Gallery the first time you log in.