Grab your bricks and build yourself up by completing Bastion’s Brick Challenge! Play games and watch streams to earn new content inspired by LEGO® – including the new legendary Brick Bastion skin.
From now until September 30, players will be able to earn five sprays, six player icons, and the legendary Brick Bastion skin, for a total of twelve new rewards.
- BUILD 'EM UP - Learn how to unlock brand-new Bastion rewards
- WATCH TO EARN - Earn special Bastion-themed cosmetics by watching Twitch streams
We’re bringing the magic of LEGO® into Overwatch with some LEGO®-inspired content available to unlock in-game. Wins in Quick Play, Competitive Play, or Arcade will all earn you limited-time player icons, sprays, and a new legendary skin: BRICK BASTION!
These special Bastion’s Brick Challenge rewards are a bonus on top of your normal earnings for playing in the Arcade.
Want more? You can watch Twitch streamers before, during or after matches to unlock even more Bastion cosmetics – we’re bringing you more Twitch Drops every time you tune in to participating broadcasters through October 1 at 09:00 CEST to earn six Bastion's Brick Challenge sprays!
IMPORTANT: To be eligible to receive these Twitch Drops you must first link your Blizzard account to your Twitch account. Visit the Twitch Connections page to log in and complete the link now.
Bastion’s Brick Challenge Twitch Drops will be available September 17 – September 30 on select Twitch broadcaster channels—view the full list of participating channels below. Tune in during the highlighted dates and times to support a specific broadcaster, or watch their streams at any point during the campaign to unlock these rewards.
Broadcaster | Spotlight Date / Time | Channel |
Valkia | Sept 17 (20:00 CEST– 04:00 CEST) | twitch.tv/valkia |
BrickinNick | Sept 18 (20:00 CEST– 02:00 CEST) | twitch.tv/brickinnick |
Grant | Sept 20 (08:00 CEST– 20:00 CEST) | twitch.tv/granthinds |
Zondalol | Sept 21 (08:00 CEST– 14:00 CEST) | twitch.tv/zondalol |
LeeTaeJun | Sept 21 (15:00 CEST– 17:00 CEST) | twitch.tv/dlxowns45 |
WantedOW | Sept 22 (06:00 CEST– 12:00 CEST) | twitch.tv/wantedow |
Daniikills | Sept 24 (04:00 CEST– 07:00 CEST) | twitch.tv/daniikills |
Larihmage | Sept 24 (21:00 CEST– 03:00 CEST) | twitch.tv/larihmage |
YongBongTang | Sept 25 (13:00 CEST– 16:00 CEST) | twitch.tv/itopicy |
Drth7 | Sept 27 (06:00 CEST– 08:00 CEST) | twitch.tv/drth7 |
Ppatiphan | Sept 27 (15:00 CEST– 17:00 CEST) | twitch.tv/ppatiphan |
T_Sven | Sept 28 (05:00 CEST– 12:00 CEST) | twitch.tv/t_sven |
Fenner | Sept 29 (15:00 CEST– 03:00 CEST) | twitch.tv/danielfenner |
Tyr0din | Oct 1 (05:00 CEST– 09:00 CEST) | twitch.tv/tyr0din |
For more information on Twitch Drops, watch the video below!
Grab your building bricks, win some games, and keep your eye on the aforementioned broadcaster channels so you can add all of these limited-time cosmetics to your collection.
Now get in there—this challenge ends September 30!
© 2019 The LEGO GROUP LEGO, the LEGO logo, and the MiniFigure figurine are trademarks of the LEGO GROUP. All Rights Reserved. Produced by BLIZZARD ENTERTAINMENT under license from the LEGO GROUP.