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「《鬥陣特攻》英雄大亂鬥」圓滿落幕 恭喜 :Sun_With_Face: Clap 奪下冠軍寶座!

「《鬥陣特攻》英雄大亂鬥」圓滿落幕 恭喜 :Sun_With_Face: Clap 奪下冠軍寶座!

為期三天在台北暴雪電競館舉行的「《鬥陣特攻》英雄大亂鬥」(Overwatch Heroes Rumble)在 :Sun_With_Face: Clap(SWFC)奪冠的歡呼聲中正式畫下完美句點。來自台港澳、澳洲、歐洲及北美的八支勁旅不僅在多種競技模式中展現臨危不亂的職業級實力,更在各種出奇不意及充滿驚喜的表演賽中讓觀眾大飽眼福、津津樂道!

八強開戰 眾星雲集

八強賽由台灣觀眾熟悉的《鬥陣特攻》太平洋職業錦標賽(OPC)四支戰隊分別迎戰實力堅強的歐美強敵。Machi Esports(M17)與Meme Dream Team(MDT,隊長:Kephrii)的對決為這個精采可期的比賽拉開序幕,Kephrii 及 Rai 使用奪命女對狙的片段讓人印象深刻,M17 以強勢的進攻拿下首勝!香港隊伍 Hong Kong Attitude(HKA)與 akm 領軍的 The Frenchman and the Henchmen(MEN,隊長:akm)也在互不相讓的交手中引發觀眾陣陣歡呼,Moowe 在關鍵的 1v1 單挑中擊敗 akm,帶領隊伍拿下四強門票。緊接著登場的是 Blank Esports(BLK)與 :Sun_With_Face: Clap(SWFC,隊長:Mangachu),擅長副坦位及法拉的 Mangachu 透過多次高超的表現獲得台灣觀眾的敬佩與讚嘆。雙方打好打滿,直至第五局的垃圾鎮才分出勝負,由 SWFC 以 3:2 的成績出線。最後在八強賽登場的 OPC 隊伍為最受觀眾矚目的 Flash Wolves(FW),他們的對手是由芬蘭戰將所率領的 Team zappis(TZ,隊長:zappis)。在高強度的過招中,閃電狼推派奇才選手 Baconjack 出戰 1v1的關鍵單挑,而他也如願在擊敗對手 zappis 後為團隊獲得 3:1 的總比數與四強資格!

四強過招 搶奪冠軍賽門票

M17 首先在四強賽中打頭陣迎擊 SWFC,M17 雖在八強賽以猛烈的攻勢擊敗對手,但同樣由多位資深戰將組成的 SWFC 實力絕對不容小覷。甫開局 SWFC 即以雙飛陣型穩健破解 M17 的進攻,Kellar 同時使用麥卡利屢建佳績,讓 SWFC 迅速奪下灕江天塔的勝利。在隨後的地圖中,Mangachu 更選擇托比昂並重現在 2017《鬥陣特攻》世界盃加拿大對上韓國的經典戰術,引起現場觀眾熱烈叫好!在之後的交手過程,M17 的 Kant 及 Rai 雖試圖力挽狂瀾,卻仍無法阻止 Mangachu 猛烈的收頭,最終 SWFC 以 3:0 的大分擊退 M17,率先獲得冠軍戰門票。

四強賽的第二場是 OPC 隊伍的內戰,由 HKA 迎戰他們長期以來的敵人 FW。雙方在灕江天塔及國王大道兩張地圖首先戰成 1:1 平手,隨後賽局進入 4v4 團隊死鬥,Moowe 的駭影強勢壓制閃電狼雙坦,迅速拉開人頭差距,讓 HKA再下一城!緊接著來到在此次明星賽中最受到觀眾喜愛的 1v1 單挑,兩隊各派出隊上的明星輸出手 Baconjack 及 Moowe 進行決鬥。雙方多次選用擅長的角色出戰,讓觀眾見識到何謂菁英選手的超強單兵操作。終場時 Baconjack 展現對多位英雄更高層次的掌握,擊敗 Moowe 以 9:3 獲勝!兩隊來到最後一張地圖垃圾鎮,Moowe 奪命女在開場後便連狙三人的震撼仿佛預言了 HKA 勢如破竹的氣場將帶領他們走向勝利。賽末點,閃電狼因無法突破嚴密的防守而止步四強,HKA 在歡呼聲中踏上總決賽之路。

決賽戰場 誰將成為冠軍之星

最終日的對決在歡樂與緊張的氣氛下展開,HKA 及 SWFC 隊上各擁有許多在職業聯賽中表現傑出的選手,勝負著實難以預料。在第一張地圖努巴尼時,SWFC 因為閃光的強勢操作而暫居上風,雖在來往之間 HKA 也有不錯的表現,但 SWFC 卻在技能交換上略勝一籌。不論是萊茵哈特在國王大道關鍵的地裂擊破陣、還是札莉亞及炸彈鼠的大絕連動,都讓 HKA 的士氣瞬間四散。SWFC 連續拿下兩張地圖的勝利。HKA 雖在第三場 4v4 團隊死鬥中拿下一分,卻無法阻止 SWFC 誓言拿下冠軍的決心,他們在 3v3 鎖定對決中再度拿回主導權。緊接著來到 1v1 限定單挑,Mangachu 在眾人的驚呼聲中率先將 HKA 主將 Moowe 打落,第二局改由 ATing 披掛上陣。ATing 雖為隊伍獲得一勝,卻在第三局時不敵 Mangachu 小美及壁壘機兵的致命攻擊,讓 SWFC 拿下第五張地圖的勝利,也以 4:1 的大分獲得「《鬥陣特攻》英雄大亂鬥」的冠軍榮耀!

逗趣表演賽 選手觀眾同歡

此次除正規賽之外,眾多選手隨機組隊、選角的表演賽更是讓觀眾掌聲及笑聲如雷!在「英雄亂鬥」的比賽中,粉絲親眼見證了 Mangachu 精彩的托比昂及法拉操作,果真名不虛傳;而 Kephrii 也在多場混戰中展現奪命女純熟超群的技巧。選手更試圖在比賽中選取六位駭影、六位莫伊拉或六位拳王等組合進攻破陣,場上所有人激烈逗趣的你來我往讓台上台下都玩得不亦樂乎!

來不及看賽事的捍衛者也別灰心,在Blizzard Esports TW 官方 YouTube 頻道可以看到精彩的賽事重播!

想知道更多《鬥陣特攻》的電競資訊,請各位捍衛者持續鎖定官方部落格、《鬥陣特攻》官方粉絲團Blizzard Estadium 粉絲團!

Overwatch Heroes Rumble.jpg

Announcing the Overwatch® Heroes Rumble, End-Of-Year Overwatch Community Celebration

This weekend (12/15 – 12/17) has been a weekend of laughter and joy for Overwatch fans all around the world. It all started with eight teams lead by celebrity captains from Overwatch Pacific Championship (Flash Wolves’ KMoMo, Hong Kong Attitude’s MangoJai, Blank Esports’ Trill, and Machi Esports’ DCrown) and the well-known streamers and players from the West (zappis, aKm, Mangachu, and Kephrii).

On day one, team Machi Esports defeated Kephrii’s Meme Dream Team, Hong Kong Attitude defeated aKm’s The Frenchman and the Henchman, and Mangachu’s team, :Sun_With_Face: Clap, defeated Blank Esports. Some notable plays from these celebrity players are Kephrii and Rai’s Widowmakers, Mangachu’s Pharrah, and Moowe’s deep hero pool during the 1v1 deathmatch. Another noteworthy highlight was Trill and Mengachu’s 1v1. Mangachu proved his deep hero pool, and had fun playing mirror matches with Trill with this entertaining game mode. In the show match, both aKm and Kephrii proved their worthiness with powerful Pharah and Widomaker plays. Fans were definitely entertained by their incredible performances.

In day two, the fun opened up with the Flash Wolves’ victory against Team zappis. The match was so intense that the fans held their collective breath during the 1v1 game between Baconjack and zappis. Another standout player was Nonezz, the new member of Flash Wolves. He proved himself via his Genji play, and carried his team to the semifinals. In match one of the semifinals, :Sun_With_Face: Clap was unstoppable, emerging with a firm victory against Machi Esports.

In the match two, Hong Kong Attitude surprised everyone with their performance. Although Baconjack proved himself to be the star player of Flash Wolves with his deep hero pool, Moowe carried the team in the last map, Junkertown, with his “one shot, one kill” Widowmaker performance. In the show matches, players from OPC and the West formed two teams and had fun on the 6v 6Free For All (FFA) maps. Some highlights were the six Sombras, six Moiras, six Reindharts, six Doomfists, and of course, the 12 Torbjorn. The day ended with big smiles on both players’ and fans’ faces.

The last day opened up with the live band playing the Overwatch theme song to hype up the audience. The show matches were the Winter Wonderland version of Yeti Hunt and the Challenger FFA deathmatch. Mangachu defended his title as the ‘King of Torbjorn’, Kephrii defended his title of Best Widowmaker on the US server, and Mangachu as the best Pharah player in the tournament. In the grand final—a best of seven—Sun_With_Face: Clap lead the match by overpowering Hong Kong Attitude in the first 6v6 maps. The 3v3 map was way more intense than anyone could have anticipated. Hong Kong Attitude came back with a last-minute win to secure the one point for the match. During the 1v1 deathmatch, Moowe challenged Mangachu with many of their signature heroes: Widowmaker, Torbjorn, and Mei. But Mangachu took the stage and showed the world that he is a worthy solo player, as well as an incredible team player. In the second and third games, ATing stepped up and challenged Mangacu in the 1v.1 deathmatch. Although ATing successfully defended a point from Mangachu, Mangachu outplayed ATing in the last 1v1 deathmatch. This crowned :Sun_with_Face: Clap as champions of 2017 Overwatch Heroes Rumble.

For more information and VODs, please check out the Official Blizzard Esports TW YouTube channel and Blizzard Estadium fanpage!