《鬥陣特攻》太平洋職業錦標賽(OPC)第二賽季戰隊 & 選手介紹

《鬥陣特攻》太平洋職業錦標賽(OPC)第二賽季戰隊 & 選手介紹

距離第二季《鬥陣特攻》太平洋職業錦標賽 ( Overwatch Pacific Championship 簡稱 OPC ) 倒數一天,第一場開幕將在 8 月 18 日下午 4 點磅礡登場,擁有頂尖戰力的八支太平洋地區隊伍在休賽期養精蓄銳,各個蓄勢待發等著在第二季 OPC 中大顯身手!此外,來自 5 個不同國家的 16 位選手在休賽期更代表出賽 2017 年《鬥陣特攻》世界盃小組賽;相信這段時間選手實力的提升和全新兩支隊伍的加入,會讓接下來 8 週的第二季 OPC 賽事更精彩可期。來看看這 8 支隊伍及選手陣容。

OPC 第一季獲得季軍的 ahq e-Sports Club 《鬥陣特攻》戰隊(ahq)經過休賽期的集訓後,來勢洶洶,立志拿下最高榮耀。雖然人氣雙胞胎 c0wman 與 EDIBOSS 因兵役因素將不參賽第二賽季,但 ahq 這季新加入了一位擅長閃光的新血 Rapidfire,這會讓 ahq 在第二季會有什麼新的戰術與陣容呢?讓我們拭目以待。


以 OPC 第二季升降賽全勝戰績進入第二季 OPC 的 Ardeont 可說是來勢洶洶。再加上 Ardeont 與 2017 《鬥陣特攻》世界盃韓國代表隊的表演賽中,更是打得有來有往。其中成員 Diem 的閃光與 Republic 的溫斯頓表現更是令人印象深刻, Ardeont 在升降賽結束後就向所有 OPC 戰隊下戰帖,野心勃勃地直指冠軍。


在台灣擁有不少粉絲的澳洲最強隊伍 Blank Esports (BLK)在第一季 OPC 中拿下亞軍,賽後全隊更是代表澳洲出戰 2017 年《鬥陣特攻》世界盃雪梨小組賽,他們的團隊默契與表現向世界證明了澳洲隊的實力,成為雪梨小組賽第二名晉級 BlizzCon。第二季 OPC 因選手個人規劃的因素,BLK 的組成將有所調整,但教練 SereNity 依舊自信滿滿 — OPC 第二賽季的冠軍非他們莫屬!


《鬥陣特攻》太平洋職業錦標賽第一賽季 Flash Wolves (FW)以 25 勝 3 敗的佳績奪總冠軍,賽後整團成員更是代表台灣出戰 2017 年 《鬥陣特攻》世界盃洛杉磯小組賽。台灣隊在 G 組以第二名晉級 16 強,雖然最終無緣晉級 BlizzCon,但出色的表現仍令全球印象深刻。相信擁有《鬥陣特攻》世界盃的經驗,會讓狼群更加強勢!


香港隊伍 Hong Kong Attitude (HKA)是一支港台混血的堅強戰隊,第二賽季加入了一位來自香港的新血- Moowe,他在 OPC 第二季的升降賽中,單兵實力廣受好評,同時他和隊長「芒果仔」也都是《鬥陣特攻》世界盃香港隊的選手之一,相信在 Moowe 的加入與經歷《鬥陣特攻》世界盃的洗禮後, HKA 的實力絕對不容小覷!


日本隊伍 Libalent Supreme (LS)在 OPC 升降賽中,以些微之差擊敗韓國隊– DeToNator.Korea 贏得進入第二賽季門票。隊伍中的兩位坦克 Jasper 與 deartn 更代表日本出戰《鬥陣特攻》世界盃雪梨小組賽,於 8 強賽與澳洲隊奮戰到最後一刻,雖然止步 16 強但日本隊的實力不容小覷。如今他們將與 OPC 交鋒, 究竟 LS 會不會發揮驚人實力與各隊抗衡呢?


平均選手年齡最年輕的戰隊 Machi Esports (M17)在第一季 OPC 賽事中跟 HKA 殺得難分難解,更是少數曾經擊敗過第一季冠軍 Flash Wolves 的隊伍。年輕且具有學習力與吸收力的他們,本季將以相同陣容重返第二賽季,相信經過休賽期的集訓, M17 一定會在 OPC 第二賽季大放異彩與各隊抗衡。


原本的泰國隊 Fireball 這季加入了 MEGA Esports 戰隊,正式改名為 MEGA Thunder(MT)。其中四位成員代表泰國出戰《鬥陣特攻》世界盃上海小組賽,面對地主中國隊時絲毫不畏懼,雖然止步16強,但他們的表現驚豔全球,可說是雖敗猶榮。隨著兩名來自美國、一名來自瑞典的新戰力加入,他們將再次挑戰 OPC 第二賽季,發揚泰國電競!



《鬥陣特攻》太平洋職業錦標賽第二季 8 月 18 (五) 下午 4 點正式開賽,接連每週五至每週日下午 4 點至晚間 11 點,有為期 6 周的例行賽仍採循環賽制(Round-Robin format),八支隊伍將進行 2 個循環賽,每個循環賽中,每支參賽的隊伍將與其他隊伍逐一進行一場對戰,而每場對戰皆為五戰三勝制(BO5),季後賽資訊將於日後公布。

各位捍衛者可以至 Blizzard Estadium 現場觀賽為選手加油,或每周五六日鎖定台灣暴雪直播頻道

更多賽事資訊或入場資訊,請密切注意官方部落格、《鬥陣特攻》官方粉絲團Blizzard Estadium 粉絲團

Overwatch Pacific Championship (OPC) Season 2 will start tomorrow, with the opening match played at 4pm, August 18! Eight top teams from across the Pacific are prepared to fight for glory, including 16 players who played key roles representing 5 different countries in the recent group stages of Overwatch World Cup 2017. Their participation together with 2 new teams will surely make OPC more exciting than ever. Let’s meet the teams.

The third place in OPC Regular Season 1, ahq e-Sports Club (ahq) is aiming for the champion this time around. In this season, the popular twin players, c0wman and EDIBOSS, will rest for the season due to military services. To replace them, Rapidfire, a Tracer specialist, joins ahq, and we can expect new strategies and tactics in Season 2.


Sweeping through Season 2 Qualifier without a single loss, Ardeont is a strong new entrant from S. Korea. Harnessing the remarkable play of Diem's Tracer and Republic's Winston, Ardeont stated their ambition of winning Season 2 championship right after the qualifier series.


Blank Esports (BLK) ended as the runner-up in OPC Season 1 after playoffs, and their outstanding performance won them quite a group of OPC fans. BLK represented Australia in the Overwatch World Cup 2017 group stage, where their seamless teamwork and extraordinary skills caught the eyes of the global audience as they advanced to BlizzCon. Despite the lineup changes for Season 2, BLK still features their steadfast, strategic support Gunba and world class the best Tracer ieatuup. BLK is still confident to fight for Season 2 championship.


Flash Wolves (FW) was the convincing champion of OPC Season 1 with a 25-3 overall record, and the team represented Taiwan at Overwatch World Cup 2017 group stage. While they were entitled top 16 and did not advance to BlizzCon, they impressed the global Overwatch esports fans with their performance. Going into the upcoming season with the same lineup, we look forward to their plays as they aim for another champion in this season.


Hong Kong Attitude (HKA) is a hybrid team with pro players from Hong Kong and Taiwan. After finishing in fourth place in OPC Season 1, HKA acquired Moowe, a top Hong Kong player who paired with ManGoLongJai while representing Hong Kong in the 2017 Overwatch World Cup group stage. We look forward to continuing improvements from a formidable HKA lineup!


Libalent Supreme (LS), a Japan registered team, beat a favored KR team in the qualifiers to earn their spot in Season 2. Their tanks Jasper and deartn represented Japan in Overwatch World Cup group stage, where they fought to the end against the Australia team. And they meet again in OPC, facing off against BLK and rest of the OPC teams.


Machi eSports (M17), the team with the youngest players in average, fought valiantly against HKA for fourth place and also managed to defeat FW in OPC Season 1. M17 comes back in Season 2 with the same roster, but youth will be served and we look forward to their continued development in the upcoming season.


Previously known as "Fireball", the Thai-registered team is renamed as "Mega Thunder (MT)" under new ownership. Four MT players represented Thailand in the Overwatch World Cup group stage, including the popular oPuTo, and showed well against the strong China team in Shanghai. With the addition of 2 new American pros and a Swedish pro, they look to improve upon their Season 1 performance to challenge for a top spot in Season 2.


When to Watch?

Every Friday through Sunday from 4:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. CST from August 18 to October 15

Where to Watch?

Please come to the Blizzard Estadium in Taipei to cheer for your team, or tune in to the Blizzard Taiwan Live Stream Channel for the weekly broadcasts.

Note: Tickets for free admission to the Blizzard Estadium are available online one week before each competition weekend.

For more information, please tune in to Official Blog, Overwatch Facebook page and Blizzard Estadium Facebook page!