距離《鬥陣特攻》太平洋職業錦標賽(Overwatch Pacific Championship,簡稱 OPC)倒數兩天,第一場開幕戰將在 4 月 8 日 14:00 展開,8 支隊伍正在全力為此準備,各個蓄勢待發,在此為各位介紹這 8 支隊伍及選手陣容!
ahq eSports Club《鬥陣特攻》戰隊於 2016 年成立,由原 ahq 另一職業射擊隊伍轉組而成,今年由於選手個人規劃不同而有成員變動,除了 ahq 元老選手外,新加入了射擊界的好手 LazyTitan、Dizzy 及 Keres,後勤則由在 FPS 射擊類型經驗豐富的 Nitor(劉晏瑞)和曾在 FPS 職業賽事囊括多次冠軍及獎項的 AfteR(羅文信)執教,四月起正式參賽 OPC 第一賽季。 |
澳洲的 Blank Esports 於 2017 正式成立《鬥陣特攻》戰隊,成員皆來自知名業餘戰隊 Fusion Girls,該戰隊自 2016 年 11 月成立起參加眾多賽事,擁有全勝零敗的戰績,並拿下澳洲第一的稱號。OPC 是 Blank Esports 首次參與的國際性賽事,隊員們都非常期待與亞太地區的頂尖戰隊交手,其中一位台灣成員 Jason Wang(王裕捷)更是興奮能以職業選手的身分返回家鄉。 |
DeToNator 立於 2009 年,在日本的各項目遊戲中都擁有日本第一稱號。並是日本第一支在國外營運的職業戰隊,是日本最具國際視野的職業隊伍之一。DeToNator 成員來自各界好手,教練Sensei曾是韓國知名戰隊的選手,隊長 Saih4tE 與成員 delave 也有豐富的射擊遊戲職業賽經驗,令人更驚艷的是 yoshiharu,他原為漁夫,但為了夢想放棄漁船。離鄉背井來台的他們,將會全力以赴面對每一場對戰。 |
Flash Wolves(閃電狼)職業電競團隊於 2012 年 8 月正式成立,並於 2017 年正式成立《鬥陣特攻》職業戰隊,其中成員包含極具遊戲天份與人氣的 Zonda、擁有豐富射擊遊戲職業賽事經驗的 Realment 與 4 位電競圈的新秀。閃電狼的目標是贏得 OPC 首屆冠軍。 |
Fireball 是泰國的第一支《鬥陣特攻》職業隊伍,前身是業餘隊伍 sWeetTime,部份隊員曾出戰 2016 BlizzCon 參加《鬥陣特攻》首屆世界盃。這次他們企圖挑戰太平洋地區最佳的職業隊伍們,Fireball 很興奮可以代表泰國在這個多樣化的國際賽事中參賽。Fireball 所有成員都是來自於泰國天梯頂尖或知名的選手,身兼重任的教練 Manoo 信心滿滿指出,選手們的目標是成為亞洲太平洋地區的頂尖隊伍。 |
Hong Kong Attitude 是一支由香港與台灣熱血新秀聯合組成的堅強戰隊,平均不到 20 歲的年輕隊員們對電競充滿熱情活力並渴望勝利,享受在比賽中的每一刻並期待在各國強隊前完美展現出他們的好身手。來自香港的隊長「芒果仔」,先前曾領軍在多項業餘聯賽中屢創佳績,相信在前職業選手 Jay 的指導以及在新的生力軍加入後,戰隊的實力會更快速成長。 |
Machi Esports 《鬥陣特攻》戰隊是由黃立成於 2017 年 3 月組建完成。黃立成相信旗下選手們的實力堅強並且努力地培訓隊伍能夠在未來代表台灣站上世界舞台。教練 Cassis 相信隊伍年輕有衝勁且學習非常快速,能很快趕上成立已久的戰隊之實力,讓台灣本土戰隊 Machi Esports 能將冠軍留在台灣。 |
SunSister 成立已 6 年之久, 於 2016 年 11 月成立了《鬥陣特攻》職業戰隊,勝利與獎金不是 SST 所追求的唯一目標,全力以赴是 SST 追求的精神,「我們會盡全力面對每一場比賽」!其中隊員 Molis,因為女兒在他拿下冠軍時出生,被日本網友封為『最強攔路豬爸爸』,為夢想而來台赴賽的他說,為了他剛出生的女兒與一路支持他的老婆,他一定會盡全力在台灣拿下冠軍! |
本週六日下午兩點請務必鎖定台灣暴雪直播頻道觀看 OPC 精彩比賽!
更多賽事資訊或暴雪電競館入場資訊,請密切注意官方頻道、《鬥陣特攻》官方粉絲團 及 Blizzard Estadium 粉絲團!
Overwatch® Pacific Championship ster: Meet the Teams
The opening of Overwatch Pacific Championship is only a few days away, and the eight pro-teams from Asia Pacific are ready for the fight! The first match will kick off on the afternoon of April 8 (CST) in the new Blizzard Estadium in Taipei. This is sure to be one of the most exciting Overwatch esports weekends of the year.
During the regular 11-week season, all of the pro teams will take part in best-of-three matches. Each team will play against each other four times, using home/away rules. More details on the brackets, schedule, and rules will be introduced soon.
The ahq e-Sports Club Overwatch team was established in 2016, and is composed of professional players previously on other teams. This year, due to some of the original team members’ personal life plans, we brought on several new pros: LazyTitan, Dizzy, and Keres. The coaches are Nitor (Yan-Rui Liu), who has a lot of experience with many different FPS games, and AfteR (Wen-Sin Ro), who has several great achievements and awards in a number of different FPS games to his name. The ahq e-Sports Overwatch team will formally enter the Pacific Championship of Overwatch in April. |
Winning every one of the 15 tournaments they’ve entered since November 2016, Blank Esports has well and truly earned the title of #1 Australian Overwatch team. OPC will be the team’s first international tournament. |
DeToNator was first established in 2009 and put together its Overwatch team at the beginning of 2016. Dominating several game championships in Japan, we are the first Japanese team to play overseas. Now residing in Taiwan, we see ourselves as the pro team with the greatest international perspective in the upcoming championship. |
Flash Wolves was found on August 8, 2012. The organization boasts many great players across multiple games, including Overwatch. Wolves Valley Entertainment Co., LTD is devoted to developing Taiwanese esports. We feel that Flash Wolves can bring a great amount of passion and positivity to the game, we all strongly believe that players need to develop a healthy and positive outlook to face the challenges they confront in their lives, as well as in their careers in esports. |
Fireball is the first professional Overwatch Team out of Thailand. Eager to test their might against the best Overwatch teams in the region, Fireball is excited to represent Thailand in such a diverse international competition. We’ve set our sights on becoming the top team in the Asia Pacific region. |
Hong Kong Attitude is a strong team formed by passionate new players from Taiwan and Hong Kong. HKA was formerly led by captain ManGoJai and won several amateur championships. Coached by the professional player Jay, the addition of new players advanced the team rapidly. With the average age under 20, these enthusiastic young players are thrilled to achieve victory. They enjoy every moment of the match and expect to bring their very best against strong opponents from all over the world. |
Machi Esports was started by Jeffrey Huang to compete in Esports competitions in Taiwan and around the globe. Jeff believes in the strength of his players and actively seeks to develop and train a team that will represent Taiwan on the World Stage. Machi means "Best Friend" in Taiwanese; we play and win for our fans, supporters, and our community — for they are our Machi. #M17 |
Victories or earning prizes are not the only goals SunSister is pursuing; We will do everything to win. That is all. |
Stay tuned to the week-1 matches of OPC on April 8 and 9! All OPC matches will be played offline and streamed on goblizzard.tw/esports/live
For more details, please check the Overwatch Official Site,Overwatch Facebook and Blizzard Estadium!