Patch Notes

February 7, 2025

Overwatch 2 Retail Patch Notes - February 7, 2025

Hotfix Balance Update

This is a hero balance hotfix. Replay codes from the February 4, 2025 patch are still available.

Bug Fixes


Doomfist (Overwatch Classic - Moth Meta)

  • In Overwatch Classic, we've adjusted Seismic Slam's ground checks and the shockwave hitbox to the older values.
  • In Overwatch Classic, air time for Uppercut was adjusted to the original value. Loss of air control duration is set to the original 3 seconds instead of 0.6 seconds.
  • In Overwatch Classic, Meteor Strike no longer can cancel Seismic Slam and Uppercut.
  • In O verwatch Classic, Rocket Punch no longer can cancel Seismic Slam and Uppercut.

Developer comment: We've applied multiple adjustments to retune Doomfist to be closer to his original balance from the original September 2017 balance for both gameplay and feel. We are looking to apply additional bug fixes next week to address other issues reported.

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February 6, 2025

Overwatch 2 Retail Patch Notes - February 6, 2025

Hotfix Balance Update

This is a hero balance hotfix. Replay codes from the February 4, 2025 patch are still available.

Bug Fixes


Mercy (Overwatch Classic - Moth Meta)

  • Guardian Angel has been updated to have increased speed and range during Valkyrie.
  • Mercy's resurrect cast time has been improved.

Developer Comment: We have made some adjustments to Mercy's abilities to be more like the original feel of the hero in 2017. Additionally, we're planning an update to Doomfist in the mode in the next patch.

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February 4, 2025

Overwatch 2 Retail Patch Notes - February 4, 2025

Bug Fix Patch

This is a bug fix patch and contains no hero updates. In-Game Replay Codes and Highlights from the previous patch are removed.

Introducing DirectX 12

We are excited to announce that Overwatch 2 now supports DirectX 12. For the first time, Overwatch 2 will support multiple graphics APIs. This update is part of our ongoing commitment to deliver technology and improvements for our players.

While DirectX 12 is a significant step forward, DirectX 11 remains our lead API and will continue to be supported. This update represents the beginning of our journey with DirectX 12, as we explore its potential to enhance the Overwatch 2 experience. Our goal is to leverage advancements in GPU technology, allowing Overwatch 2 to fully embrace cutting-edge innovations from modern GPUs and deliver an enhanced experience for our players. DirectX 12 support is currently a Beta feature. For some systems, there may be a performance degradation compared to DirectX 11. Some stuttering may be encountered during gameplay.

To enable DirectX 12:

  1. Launch Overwatch 2 and navigate to Options from the main menu.
  2. Under Video, locate the option to select your Graphics API.
  3. Choose DirectX 12 from the dropdown menu.
  4. Restart the game to apply the changes.
  5. Note PCs that cannot support DirectX 12 will not be able to see the option to turn it on in your game.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue with the DLSS settings which was causing various rendering issues.
  • Fixed an issue where players may not be able to access HDR calibration.
  • Fixed an issue where the game may ask you to restart to apply changes when no changes have been made.


  • Fixed an issue causing Ashe Lead Rose Mythic weapon to clip into the stage inside the Mythic Shop.


  • Fixed an issue with texture distortion when using the Facepalm emote as Moira with certain skins.
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Jan. Patch NotesJan.
Live Patch Notes

These patch notes represent general changes made to the Live version of Overwatch and the balance changes listed affect Quick Play, Competitive Play, Arcade, and Custom Games.