Patch Notes

February 25, 2025

Overwatch 2 Retail Patch Notes - February 25, 2025

Hotfix Bug Fix Update

This is a hotfix for bugs recently discovered. Replay codes from the January 21, 2025 patch are still available.

Bug Fixes



  • Fixed a bug with the Headhunter Perk that allowed Ana to land critical shots on a Fortified Orisa.


  • Fixed a bug with the Lindholm Explosives Perk that prevented Direct Hits from granting Ultimate Charge.


  • Fixed a bug with the Perk Savage Satiation that caused Lifesteal to only trigger on the first enemy hit.


  • Fixed a bug with the Master Blaster Perk that allowed Juno to land critical shots on a Fortified Orisa.


  • Fixed a bug with the Dual Thrusters Perk allowing Sojourn an additional (third) slide.


  • Fixed a bug with Symmetra's Turrets in Total Mayhem.
Top of post
February 20, 2025

Overwatch 2 Retail Patch Notes - February 20, 2025

Hotfix Bug Fix Update

This is a hotfix for bugs recently discovered. Replay codes from the February 18, 2025 patch are still available.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug with Perks not being granted at the start of round 3 on Payload and Hybrid Maps.


  • Fixed a bug with Viper's Sting failing to properly refresh its count when hitting new targets.


  • Fixed a bug with Block not granting Doomfist charge for Blocking some abilities.


  • Fixed a bug with Illari's Solar Power Perk occasionally locking out Illari from using Solar Rifle's Healing Beam.


  • Fixed a bug with Helix Shield not correctly applying if the Perk is selected while you are dead.


  • Fixed a bug with the Covered in Dirt Perk erroneously affecting Drill Dash.
Top of post
February 18, 2025

Overwatch 2 Retail Patch Notes + Hero Perks - February 18, 2025

Season 15 - Honor And Glory

Season 15 introduces Perks, Overwatch 2’s groundbreaking new gameplay feature that lets players unlock mid-match hero upgrades, providing more choice and strategy. With the launch of the 2025 Competitive Year, fresh rewards like Galactic Weapon Skins and exclusive charms await those who climb the ranks. Plus, weekly challenges in the Perked Up event offer exciting treasures, including Rainy Day Mercy and Legendary Loot Boxes. Don’t miss out on Mythic Pixiu Zenyatta and more as Overwatch 2 takes bold steps into its most exciting season yet!

New Mythic Skin - Pixiu Zenyatta

Inspired by the golden dragon Pixiu, the Mythic Pixiu Zenyatta skin combines godly beauty with unique customizations. This skin evolves as you do, featuring four progression levels, thematic sound effects, and an optional Gilded Aspect so you can dominate the battlefield in true divine style.

Loot Boxes Are Back

Get ready for the return of Loot Boxes, loaded with loot and surprises to expand your arsenal and bring the hype. Whether you’re new or a veteran hero, you’ll love the thrill of Loot Boxes to unlock new content as you progress through the Premium Battle Pass or when you earn loot boxes as you complete games every week! There will be two types of Loot Boxes that you'll be able to earn, Loot Boxes and Legendary Loot Boxes.

  • Starting in Season 15, you can earn up to three Loot Boxes every week by completing up to 27 games each week with wins counting as double.
  • Starting in Season 15, you can earn a free Legendary Loot Box in the free track of the Battle Pass and an additional two Legendary Loot Boxes in the Premium Track of the Battle Pass.
Loot Box
  • Every Loot Box draws from a curated collection of Overwatch and Overwatch 2 cosmetic items.
  • Each box will drop four items when opened. The items you get are now randomly selected at the time of box opening.
  • Loot Boxes will prioritize giving you items you don't already own.
  • If a Loot Box can't avoid giving you any items you already own, the loot box will instead grant progress towards a bonus Loot Box.
  • At the start of each season, any unopened boxes from previous seasons will be automatically opened and all items dropped from them are added to your collection.

Drop Rates

On average, each rarity has the following chances of dropping per one Loot Box opened.

  • Legendary: 5.1%
  • Epic: 21.93%
  • Rare: 96.26%
  • Common: 97.97%

Guaranteed Drops

  • A Legendary item is guaranteed to drop within 20 consecutive box openings.
  • An Epic item is guaranteed to drop within five consecutive box openings.
  • At least one Rare item or better is guaranteed to drop in every box.
Legendary Loot Box

Each Legendary Loot Box is guaranteed to contain at least one Legendary item.

Drops Rates

On average, each rarity has the following chances of dropping per one Legendary Box opened.

  • Legendary: 100%
  • Epic: 21.93%
  • Rare: 96.26%
  • Common: 97.97%

Competitive Play Updates

It’s a whole new year for Competitive with Perks reshaping strategy, rank resets leveling the playing field, and stellar new Galactic Weapon Skins plus Weapon Charm rewards waiting at the top. Are you ready to rise? Show the world your skill and climb the ladder like never before—victory awaits.

Skill Rank Reset
  • The highest Ranks (Master, Grandmaster, and Champion) have been tuned to include a higher percentage of the player population once players are well calibrated.
  • Given the addition of Perks and the tuning of higher Tiers, this reset is designed to put players on an even playing field and give them a chance to climb even higher than ever before.
  • All ranks in Role Queue and Open Queue in Competitive Play have been reset to Unranked and all players will need to complete their respective 10 placement matches for each role.
Competitive Rewards
  • Galactic Weapon Variants can now be unlocked with Competitive Points, allowing you to reach for the stars while you rank up.
  • Jade Weapon Variants join Gold Weapon Variants as Legacy Rewards.
  • Legacy Rewards can be purchased with Legacy Competitive Points.
  • Competitive Weapon Charms will be awarded to players in Platinum and above in Season 16 based on your performance in Season 15.
  • End-of-season titles for Competitive Role Queue now include the role the rank was achieved in. Examples include Champion Tank, Champion Support, Champion Damage, and Open Queue Champion.
Competitive Point Conversion
  • All Competitive Points earned in the 2024 Competitive Year have been converted into Legacy Competitive Points.
  • Competitive Points can now be manually converted into Legacy Competitive Points when purchasing Weapon Variants.
Ranks on Portraits
  • Competitive Hero Portraits return to Competitive Play with Overwatch 2's Rank icons, giving players that share their gameplay new opportunities to show off their skill.
Map Pool
  • Clash Maps Hanaoka and Throne of Anubis are removed from the Competitive Play pool.
  • All players can still play on all Escort, Hybrid, Control, Push, and Flashpoint maps.

General Updates

Voice Lines
  • Refactored ultimate voice lines to allow custom player-specific voice lines instead also being heard by opponents.
  • Mode-specific ultimate lines are now enabled to play game-wide for players with relevant skins equipped (ex. Warlock Ashe, Greek Gods skins, etc).
  • Custom ultimate lines are now enabled for several Mythic skins, with more to come in future patches.
  • Previously unused custom ultimate lines are now available for several other skins.

Developer Comment: Going into Overwatch 2, we took into account player feedback that skin-specific ultimate lines from enemy heroes created gameplay difficulties for many players. As such, we restricted any custom hostile ultimate VO to special game modes, but we were not able to implement them into the broader game.

By changing the way we trigger ultimate voice lines, we can now play a player-specific custom line without affecting the line heard by enemy players. This means that we'll have much more flexibility for changing ultimate voice lines in the future.

  • Emotes can now be cancelled mid-animation shortly after they are activated.

Introducing Perks

Take your gameplay to the next level with Perks—Overwatch 2’s dynamic new mid-match upgrade system for Quickplay and Competitive. As the action heats up, unlock and choose game-changing abilities to amplify your hero’s power and evolve your strategy in real time. Adapt to every challenge, counter your enemies, and turn the tide of battle in your favor.

  • Perks are now enabled in Quick Play and Competitive modes.
How to gain Perk progress

• Perk progress is gained by dealing damage, securing eliminations, and healing your allies. • Throughout the match, the rate at which you gain Perks will gradually increase. • When you eliminate an enemy who is at a higher perk level than you (full level), that elimination is also worth more Perk progress.

Swapping Heroes
  • When you swap heroes, your new hero will be set to level 1 with zero perk progress.
  • Your progress will be saved on any heroes that you play throughout the round though. So, if you played Tracer to Level 3 and got her Major Perk, when you switch back to Tracer you will be at Level 3 with your perks equipped.
Selecting Perks

There are multiple options available to select your perks into fit your personal play style.

  • Standard Selection: Hold down Left Alt on keyboard or up on the directional pad for controller, then aim at the left or right perk or press your shoulder buttons on controller to select.
  • Quick Selection: You can also set your own bindings to select your perks without bringing up the Perk selection user interface, which is great for once you've really gotten your perks down and don't need the menu.
  • You can also bind your perk selection to be a toggle instead of holding by default.
Celebrate In Our Perked-Up Event

Celebrate the debut of Overwatch 2’s game-changing Perks system with the Perked Up Event, available all season long. Take on challenges to snag weekly rewards, including up to 10 Loot Boxes per week and Rainy Day Mercy! Plus, team up with the community via Twitch Drops and Support a Streamer to unlock Rainy Day Mei and Tracer. This limited time event runs from February 18 to April 22.

  • For season 15 only, players can earn up to an additional 10 loot boxes each week by completing up to 15 games with wins counting as double.
  • Challenges for Loot Boxes reset every week, so any loot boxes not earned in that week are missed out.

Hero Perks

Instead of hero balance updates, we're opening up Season 15 with adding Hero Perks to all 41 heroes. Our intention is to give you some time to adapt to such a large shift for the game, but we'll be monitoring to see if any perks need immediate tuning. So, check out each new perk and plan out new strategies and playstyles that can benefit your playstyle.


Bunny Stomp
  • Call Mech's damage radius is increased by 50%.
Ejection Suit
  • Eject grants 75 temporary overhealth.
Shield System
  • Convert 150 health to shields. Defense Matrix restores shields based on 25% of its damage absorbed.
Heavy Rockets
  • Micro Missiles are swapped for Heavy Rockets which fire fewer projectiles with increased damage and explosion size.
  • Hitting an enemy with Rocket Punch reloads all Hand Cannon ammo.
Survival of the Fittest
  • The Best Defense grants 25 overhealth from eliminations and its max overhealth is increased by 50.
Seismic Empowerment
  • Hitting 3 or more enemies with Seismic Slam empowers Rocket Punch.
Power Matrix
  • Power Block absorbs projectiles for the first second of its duration.
Off the Top
  • Violent Leap's Slash deals 30% more damage to enemies above 250 health.
  • Jagged Wall hits charge Spike Guard with 25 energy, up to 50 extra.
Anarchic Zeal
  • Spike Guard's spikes gain 25% Lifesteal.
Deep Leap
  • Violent Leap's range is increased by 20%.
Junker Queen
Rending Recall
  • Recalling Jagged Blade from a stuck target refreshes its wound.
Battle Shout
  • Commanding Shout fully reloads Scatter Gun and increases allied reload speed by 50%.
Deep Wounds
  • Scattergun hits extend your wound durations on those enemies by .25 seconds.
Savage Satiation
  • Carnage's impact damage gains 100% lifesteal.
Kinetic Bandolier
  • Overrun reloads up to 150 ammo while charging.
Two Hearts
  • While on an objective, Mauga counts as 2 heroes and regenerates 20 health per second.
  • Overrun ignites enemies hit.
Combat Fuel
  • Critical hits grant Mauga 2 temporary overhealth on Cardiac Overdrive's next use, up to 100 overhealth.
Heat Dissipator

Primary Fire critical hits refund heat.

Fleeting Bulwark

Fortify briefly grants an additional 100 overhealth when activated.

Charged Javelin
  • Hold Secondary Fire to charge Energy Javelin, increasing its speed and knockback. Pierces enemies at full power.
Protective Barrier
  • Convert Javelin Spin to instead launch a barrier.
Void Surge
  • Void Accelerator periodically releases a burst of 6 additional projectiles during continuous fire.
Prolonged Barrier
  • Void Barrier's duration is increased by 25%.
Nanite Repair
  • Ramattra is healed for 50 health per second while within Ravenous Vortex.
Vengeful Vortex
  • While Ravenous Vortex is airborne, use Secondary Fire again to detonate it, dealing 50 damage and pulling enemies downward.
Crusader's Resolve
  • While using Barrier Field, your passive health regeneration triggers 50% sooner.
Fiery Uptake
  • Barrier Field is healed for 100% of Fire Strike's damage dealt.
Shield Slam
  • While Barrier Field is active, use Secondary Fire to damage and knockback enemies.
Crushing Victory
  • Charge damage grants temporary overhealth for 50% of the damage dealt.
Scrap Hook
  • Chain Hook hits reload 2 ammo.
Hog Toss
  • Pig Pen's throw range is increased by 50%.
  • Take A Breather rapidly increases Roadhog's movement speed by 30%.
Hogdrogen Exposure
  • Take A Breather also heals nearby allies for 50% of its healing.
Kinetic Cycle
  • Absorbing projectiles with Kinetic Grasp also reduces Accretion's cooldown.
Massive Impact
  • Accretion's knockdown duration increases to up to 3 seconds based on travel distance.
Hyper Strike
  • Every 5 direct hits with Hyperspheres, your next successful Quick Melee levitates and knocks away enemies.
  • Activate and hold Double Jump to briefly levitate upward.
Short Circuit
  • Tesla Cannon deals 30% more damage to deployable objects.
Heavy Landing
  • During Primal Rage, Jump Pack's damage and area increase by up to 75% while airborne.
Chain Lightning
  • Fully charged Secondary Fire hits bounce to up to 2 additional targets.
Revitalizing Barrier
  • Barrier Projector heals allies within it for 30 health per second.
Wrecking Ball
  • Roll impacts deal 100% more damage to Tanks.
Pack Rat
  • Health Packs heal an additional 100 health.
Hang Time
  • Piledriver winds up longer, gaining air control and dealing up to 50% more damage.
Transfer Efficiency
  • Reactivating Adaptive Shield reduces its cooldown by 1.5 seconds per ally affected and ally health gained is increased by 33%.
  • Secondary Fire's self-knockback is increased by 75%.
Graviton Crush
  • Graviton Surge deals up to 30% of enemy max health as damage over time.
Energy Lance
  • Particle Cannon's beam pierces enemies while over 50 energy.
  • Projected Barrier activates ally health regeneration and increases their movement speed by 15%.


Rapid Fire
  • Unscoped shots gain 30% increased attack speed, but deal 15% less damage.
  • Coach Gun pushes Ashe and enemies 20% farther.
Viper's Sting
  • Hitting 2 consecutive scoped shots on a target deals 25 extra damage and reloads 2 ammo.
  • Dynamite has a 40% increased detonation radius while airborne and refunds 3 ammo when thrown.
Smart Bomb
  • A-36 Tactical Grenade's self-knockback is increased by 25% and no longer damages you.
Armored Artillery
  • Configuration: Artillery grants 300 temporary overhealth.
Lindholm Explosives
  • Configuration: Assault's weapon slowly fires explosive shells instead of a rotary cannon.
  • Press Ability 2 to rapidly heal yourself.
Quick Draw
  • Fan the Hammer shots are individually controlled and can crit for 50% more damage.
Past Noon
  • Deadeye refunds 30% Ultimate Charge if it fully expires.
Gun Slingin'
  • Critical hits with Primary Fire reduce the cooldown of Combat Roll by 3 seconds.
Bang Bang
  • Cassidy throws a second Flashbang that travels farther, but both Flashbangs deal 30% reduced damage.
Friendly Imaging
  • Duplicate can also target allies.
Enhanced Duplication
  • During Duplicate, your clone's first ultimate extends Duplicate's duration by 3 seconds.
Full Salvo
  • Sticky Bombs fires 50% more projectiles, but all Sticky Bombs deal 15% less damage.
High Beams
  • Focusing Beam eliminations reset Flight's cooldown.
  • Swift Strike resets double jump.
Dragon's Thirst
  • Dragonblade swings gain 30% lifesteal.
Blade Twisting
  • Swift Strike deals 25 additional damage over time when used shortly after an Elimination.
  • Regenerate 25 health per second while Deflect is active.
Sonic Disruption
  • Sonic Arrow hacks nearby Health Packs for 12 seconds.
Scatter Arrows
  • Storm Arrows split into 3 new projectiles on their first ricochet and bounce 2 extra times.
Dragon Fury
  • After hitting an enemy with Primary Fire, gain 25% attack speed for 1 second.
Yamagami Technique
  • Wall Climb accelerates your Lunge cooldown by 250%.
Aluminium Frame
  • Steel Trap's throw range is increased by 50%.
Nitro Boost
  • During RIP-Tire, use Ability 1 to gain a quick boost of speed. Doing so reduces RIP-Tire's damage by 50%.
Frag Cannon
  • Frag Launcher's projectile speed is increased by 40%, but its max ammo is reduced by 1.
Tick Tock
  • Concussive Mine arms .5 seconds after landing, increasing damage by 50%, explosion radius by 50%, and health by 200%.
Chilling Reach
  • Primary Fire's range is increased by 30%.
  • Ice Wall's duration and cooldown are increased by 2 seconds.
Biting Cold

Secondary fire hits slow enemies by 15% for 1.5 seconds, stacking up to 30%.

  • Cryo-Freeze slows and deals 70 damage per second to nearby enemies.
Drift Thrusters
  • Pharah can move while Barrage is active.
Helix Shields
  • Convert 75 health to shields.
Concussive Implosion
  • Concussive Blast's knockback is inverted to a pull in.
Fuel Stores
  • Jet Dash grants 50% fuel. Maximum overfuel is increased by 100%.
Death's Shadow
  • Shadow Step reloads Hellfire Shotguns and has 25% increased range.
Soul Reaving
  • Collect Soul Globes from dead enemies to restore 50 health.
Dire Triggers
  • Use Secondary Fire to fire a volley with long range accuracy from both Hellfire Shotguns.
Ravenous Wraith
  • Leaving Wraith Form grants 40% additional lifesteal for 3 seconds.
Extended Mag

Maximum ammo increased by 15.

  • Railgun's maximum energy is increased by 50 while Overclock is active.
Dual Thrusters
  • Power Slide gains an additional charge and its jump height shifts to lateral movement.
Adhesive Siphon
  • Disruptor Shot can stick to enemies and generates Railgun energy when dealing damage.
Soldier: 76
Recycled Pulse Munitions
  • Helix Rockets reload 15 ammo if they damage an enemy.
Field Emergency
  • Biotic Field's healing is increased by 100% on critical health allies.
Agility Training
  • Sprint's speed is increased by 20% and Reload can be performed while Sprint is active.
Stim Pack
  • Biotic Field can be used as a Stim Pack, increasing Attack Speed and Reload Speed by 30% while being unhealable for 4 seconds.
Viral Efficacy
  • Virus' cooldown is reduced by 3 seconds when an enemy affected by Virus is eliminated.
  • Teleporting with Translocator while at critical health initiates passive health regeneration.
White Hat
  • Hack can be used on allies to restore 100 health over 2 seconds.
Stack Overflow
  • Hack's silence duration is increased by 100%, but its range is decreased by 30%.
Sentry Capacity
  • Sentry Turret gains an additional charge.
Advanced Teleportation
  • Teleporter's range is increased by 50%.
Perfect Alignment
  • Primary Fire's range increases by 15% with each additional charge level.
Shield Battery
  • Symmetra regenerates 20 shields per second while within 10 meters of her teleporter.
  • Forge Hammer can restore armor health to allies. Turret repair's heal is increased by 25%.
Fully Loaded
  • Activating Overload fully refills Rivet Gun's ammo.
Anchor Bolts
  • Deploy Turret's throw range is increased by 50% and it can now attach to walls and ceilings.
Overloaded Turret
  • Overload upgrades your Turret for 5 seconds, increasing its health and damage.
Blink Packs
  • Health Packs restore 1 Blink charge.
Blast from the Past
  • Pulse Bomb's radius is increased by 50%.
  • Recall restores all Blink charges.
Quantum Entanglement
  • Recall grants 50 overhealth that decays over time.
Seismic Sense
  • While underground, Venture can sense enemies within 25 meters.
Excavation Exhilaration
  • While Tectonic Shock is active, cooldowns refresh 300% faster
SMART-R Excavator
  • SMART Excavator's range is increased by 25%.
Covered In Dirt
  • Dealing damage with Clobber grants up to 30 Explorer's Resolve shields.
Scoped Efficiency
  • Scoped shots cost 3 ammo instead of 5.
Focused Aim
  • Scoped shots charge 50% faster during Infra-sight.
Escape Plan
  • Scoped shot hits reduce Grappling Hook’s cooldown by up to 4 seconds.
Deadly Deux
  • Venom Mine gains 50% increased damage and a second charge, enabling 2 active mines at a time.


  • Enemies waking from Sleep Dart are slowed for 2 seconds.
Biotic Bounce
  • After exploding, Biotic Grenade bounces and explodes again for 50 damage and healing.
  • Biotic Rifle can crit enemies.
  • Using Nano Boost also casts it on Ana.
Field Medicine
  • Immortality Field restores 80 health to nearby allies and 40 health to Baptiste when destroyed.
Automated Healing
  • After placing Amplification Matrix, your Shoulder Turret periodically fires up to 12 shots at allies, each restoring 25 health.
Assault Burst
  • Regenerative Burst grants Baptiste 20% attack speed for 4 seconds, but no longer instantly heals.
Rocket Boots
  • While airborne from Exo Boots, use Jump to dash horizontally.
Barrier Restoration
  • Shield Bash restores 100 health to Barrier Shield when it hits an enemy.
Morale Boost
  • Inspire lasts 3 seconds longer when activated by Whip Shot.
Quick Fix
  • Repair Packs instantly heal an additional 35 health to critical health allies.
  • Whip Shot's knockback can slam enemies into walls, dealing 50 extra damage.
Rapid Construction
  • Healing Pylon builds 300% faster and its cooldown is reduced by 1.5 seconds.
Summer Solstice
  • Illari's flight time during Captive Sun is increased by 3 seconds and her flight speed is increased by 20%.
Solar Power
  • Fully charged Solar Rifle hits grant 12.5% of your maximum solar energy, overfilling up to 50%.
  • Outburst ignites enemies, dealing an additional 70 damage over 3 seconds.
Familiar Vitals
  • Pulsar Torpedoes lock onto allies 35% faster.
Hyper Boost
  • While using Glide Boost, passing through Hyper Ring pushes you forward.
Master Blaster
  • Mediblaster can crit enemies.
  • Activating Glide Boost resets Double Jump.
Urgent Care
  • Healing Ofuda projectile speed is increased by 50% when seeking critical health allies.
Fortune Teller
  • Kunai hits launch 2 Healing Ofuda to an ally in front of you.
  • Swift Step can be used again within 4 seconds of its initial cast.
  • Protection Suzu grants 40% movement speed to allies for 2 seconds.
Cleansing Grasp
  • Life Grip cleanses negative effects.
Life Cycle
  • While alive, regenerate 10 health per second. Upon death, drop a healing seed that heals allies for 250 health.
  • Rejuvenating Dash adds 20 healing to your next Healing Blossom within 3 seconds.
  • Thorns detonate for 30 extra damage when enough stick within 1.5 seconds.
Bass Blowout
  • Soundwave's knockback is increased by 15%.
  • Regenerate 4 ammo per second while wall riding.
Noise Violation
  • Crossfade's range is increased by 150% while Amp It Up is active.
  • Lucio's attack speed is increased by 50% while Amp It Up is active.
Angelic Recovery
  • Mercy receives 15 health per second while Caduceus Staff is attached to a full health ally.
Winged Reach
  • Guardian Angel's range is increased by 30%.
Chain Boost
  • Secondary Fire links to a second nearby ally.
Flash Heal
  • Resurrect can be used on Caduceus Staff's active target to restore 150 health. Doing so incurs a 15 second cooldown.
  • Fade's duration is increased by 0.5 seconds.
  • Fade's jump height is increased by 50%.
Ethical Nourishment
  • Biotic Orb's first 50 healing is instant on each ally it encounters.
  • Enemies being damaged by Biotic Orb receive 25% reduced healing.
Zenith Kick
  • Snap Kick's knockback distance is increased by 30%.
  • Activate and hold Double Jump to hover for up to 3 seconds.
Focused Destruction
  • Secondary Fire charges 20% faster and can store 1 extra Orb of Destruction.
  • Zenyatta heals Orb of Harmony targets for 20% of his damage dealt to Orb of Discord targets.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where players were unable to rename highlights when saving them.
  • Fixes a bug where Voice Line Icons would sometimes appear over prestige tiers in the battle pass.
  • Fixed a bug where the Drives Signature VFX would sometimes extend off the nametag.
  • Fixed a bug where the final score would sometimes not appear in ranked games.
  • Fixed a bug where Hazard's Jagged Wall projectiles would not respect barrier.
Top of post
February 10, 2025

Overwatch 2 Retail Patch Notes - February 10, 2025

Hotfix Balance Update

This is a hero balance hotfix. Replay codes from the February 4, 2025 patch are still available.

Bug Fixes


Ana (Overwatch Classic - Moth Meta)

  • Ana Sleep Dart now has a full 6 second duration on all heroes, and not a reduced duration on tanks.

Bastion (Overwatch Classic - Moth Meta)

  • Adding Bastion's Ironclad passive loadout to the game modes.

D.Va (Overwatch Classic - Moth Meta)

  • D.Va's Boosters will no longer be canceled by pressing Primary Fire.

Lúcio (Overwatch Classic - Moth Meta)

  • Lúcio jump boost from wall riding will now activate properly.

Mercy (Overwatch Classic - Moth Meta)

  • Mercy Caduceus Staff primary fire beams during Valkyrie will now have a proper heal amount value.

Orisa (Overwatch Classic - Moth Meta)

  • Orisa will no longer start reloading after respawning from a death during reload.

Torbjörn (Overwatch Classic - Moth Meta)

  • Torbjörn no longer has 50 armor.
Top of post
February 7, 2025

Overwatch 2 Retail Patch Notes - February 7, 2025

Hotfix Balance Update

This is a hero balance hotfix. Replay codes from the February 4, 2025 patch are still available.

Bug Fixes


Doomfist (Overwatch Classic - Moth Meta)

  • In Overwatch Classic, we've adjusted Seismic Slam's ground checks and the shockwave hitbox to the older values.
  • In Overwatch Classic, air time for Uppercut was adjusted to the original value. Loss of air control duration is set to the original 3 seconds instead of 0.6 seconds.
  • In Overwatch Classic, Meteor Strike no longer can cancel Seismic Slam and Uppercut.
  • In O verwatch Classic, Rocket Punch no longer can cancel Seismic Slam and Uppercut.

Developer comment: We've applied multiple adjustments to retune Doomfist to be closer to his original balance from the original September 2017 balance for both gameplay and feel. We are looking to apply additional bug fixes next week to address other issues reported.

Top of post
February 6, 2025

Overwatch 2 Retail Patch Notes - February 6, 2025

Hotfix Balance Update

This is a hero balance hotfix. Replay codes from the February 4, 2025 patch are still available.

Bug Fixes


Mercy (Overwatch Classic - Moth Meta)

  • Guardian Angel has been updated to have increased speed and range during Valkyrie.
  • Mercy's resurrect cast time has been improved.

Developer Comment: We have made some adjustments to Mercy's abilities to be more like the original feel of the hero in 2017. Additionally, we're planning an update to Doomfist in the mode in the next patch.

Top of post
February 4, 2025

Overwatch 2 Retail Patch Notes - February 4, 2025

Bug Fix Patch

This is a bug fix patch and contains no hero updates. In-Game Replay Codes and Highlights from the previous patch are removed.

Introducing DirectX 12

We are excited to announce that Overwatch 2 now supports DirectX 12. For the first time, Overwatch 2 will support multiple graphics APIs. This update is part of our ongoing commitment to deliver technology and improvements for our players.

While DirectX 12 is a significant step forward, DirectX 11 remains our lead API and will continue to be supported. This update represents the beginning of our journey with DirectX 12, as we explore its potential to enhance the Overwatch 2 experience. Our goal is to leverage advancements in GPU technology, allowing Overwatch 2 to fully embrace cutting-edge innovations from modern GPUs and deliver an enhanced experience for our players. DirectX 12 support is currently a Beta feature. For some systems, there may be a performance degradation compared to DirectX 11. Some stuttering may be encountered during gameplay.

To enable DirectX 12:

  1. Launch Overwatch 2 and navigate to Options from the main menu.
  2. Under Video, locate the option to select your Graphics API.
  3. Choose DirectX 12 from the dropdown menu.
  4. Restart the game to apply the changes.
  5. Note PCs that cannot support DirectX 12 will not be able to see the option to turn it on in your game.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue with the DLSS settings which was causing various rendering issues.
  • Fixed an issue where players may not be able to access HDR calibration.
  • Fixed an issue where the game may ask you to restart to apply changes when no changes have been made.


  • Fixed an issue causing Ashe Lead Rose Mythic weapon to clip into the stage inside the Mythic Shop.


  • Fixed an issue with texture distortion when using the Facepalm emote as Moira with certain skins.
Top of post
Jan. Patch NotesJan.
Live Patch Notes

These patch notes represent general changes made to the Live version of Overwatch and the balance changes listed affect Quick Play, Competitive Play, Arcade, and Custom Games.