I can’t believe we’re really here! The dropship Sojourn sent for us was already way cooler than anything I could imagine, but the watchpoint is . . . incredible—it looks just like the old holovids. And speaking of that show, I’ve met many familiar faces: Reinhardt, Winston, Tracer . . . I was almost too nervous to introduce myself, but luckily Orisa had no such trouble. At least we aren’t the only newcomers—a lot of really amazing people from all around the world came to join Overwatch after the Null Sector attacks. Oh, I almost forgot the best part: Lúcio is here, Mama! You should have seen his face when Orisa and I walked in. I think he was even more excited than I am! He gave me some new albums to send home—he signed everything too. When you see Hassana and Naade, please share these with them. (You might want to wear earplugs, though—their screams could defeat even Sound Quake.) This is everything I’ve ever hoped for, Mama. With the Junies keeping Numbani safe, Orisa and I can help anywhere we’re needed. (And judging by the outdated tech Winston is running on this old base . . . I think my talents are very needed.) Maybe we won’t solve every problem overnight, but I’m excited to help how I can. It’s like you said: if Orisa and I can make the world just a little bit better, that will be enough. I love you and Dad so much! I know I’ll have lots of stories to share when I come home again.
P.S: Orisa says she loves you too!