It's our pleasure to welcome players to the Overwatch 2 Beta!
Starting today, June 28, until July 18, players will have the opportunity to join our next phase of beta testing that will feature new tank hero Junker Queen, new hybrid map Rio, and support for players on Xbox and PlayStation consoles.
We’ve shared a lot of information over the past few weeks on our plans leading up to this beta. You can catch up on all the action through the following links:
Check out what we’re testing on the Overwatch 2 Beta Patch Notes page!
We will begin giving access to players who opted in now through July 15. Players who buy the Overwatch 2: Watchpoint Pack on a participating platform will be granted immediate beta access as soon as we kick off the Overwatch 2 Beta, or whenever players pick up the Watchpoint Pack after the Beta begins.Our team has both technical and gameplay-related goals for this beta, so please share your thoughts, feedback, and experiences with us on Overwatch 2 Beta forums! We're enthusiastic about including players in this vital testing phase, and we hope everyone has a great time in-game!